We are excited to once again offer our Homeschool Student Lab Day!
We do have a different registration and payment system this year. All sessions must be paid for upon registration, and no refunds will be available. So please make sure to register only for the session you are able to attend.
All session registrations close the Friday before. Be sure to look for our email on the Monday before the session for important details! (Sometimes Spam really likes our emails)
Cost is $8 for members, $12 for non-members.
2018 topics include:
January 11 – Origami Indoor Crane Kites (Dan)
Fly a kite in January, when temperatures are (normally) at their coldest? Absolutely! These crane origami kites, designed by Yukio Akiyama, fly indoors with the gentle tug of a stick! We’ll build the kite and learn a little about the old art of origami as we go. For all ages, although children younger than 10 will likely need adult help. (While there is little folding, lots of cutting is required.) We’ll supply all the materials. Limited to 20 students; one session offered from 1:30-3:30p.
Click here to sign up for January
February 8th – High-speed and slow-motion photography and videography
We received in our partnership with the MIT Edgerton Center; a classic high speed video camera and taught us how it works! So lets get silly and see some stuff in slow motion! This will be for any age, though will be quite a bit of sitting and waiting for one’s turn.
Click here to sign up for February
March 8 – Chemistry: Acids and Bases
What makes an acid an acid and a base a base? We’ll look at the pH scale and different pH indicators. We also perform titration, where we determine the concentration of an unknown solution by mixing with a second solution of known concentration. This session might involve the use of caustic chemicals, so is best left to older students (5th grade on up). Limited to 15 students; one session offered from 1:30-3:30p.
Click here to sign up for March!
April 12 – Bats
As the weather warms, bats begin to emerge from their winter hibernation. Guest presenter and Nebraska Master Naturalist Vicki VonLoh presents on a creature both useful and misunderstood. Aimed at a third-grade level, this program has also been presented to adults as well. Limited to 20 students; one session offered from 1:30-3:30p.