What is Edgerton on the Move (EOTM)?
EOTM is a collection of science-related activities, exhibits and demonstrations that the Edgerton Explorit Center brings to you! It can include exciting 30-minute science demonstrations from our award-winning educators, our traveling “Zone”, which offers up to 30 hands-on activities or hands on student made lab activities.

How much space do we need for EOTM?
The Zone fills about half of a standard gymnasium (40’x40’ approximately). Demonstrations can be done either in the gym (for large groups) or in a separate location. Band or music rooms work well for class-size demonstrations. Lab projects are best done in a space where each student has table space.

What do we need to supply?
Other than space, the full Zone uses approximately 13-15 eight-foot-long tables and requires access to electrical outlets. All demonstrations require power, a single six-foot table and some space between students and the presenter. Some demonstrations have additional needs, e.g. a dark room for portions of “Stopping Time.”

Labs require work space for students.

What time should we start and how late can we go before closing?
We can start our programming at the opening of the school day. If you’re offering a Family Night option, 9 p.m. is the latest closing time.  Both start and end times will be affected by travel distance, whether Edgerton educators are staying overnight, and other factors.

How much time should we schedule for each activity?
Groups up to 50 students can occupy the Zone at any one time. We suggest rotating groups through every 30 to 45 minutes. While students can generally visit exhibits at their own pace, Pre-K, K, and 1st graders might visit exhibits in small groups.
Labs are for groups of up to 25 at a time and can take anywhere from 30 min. to 90 min.  Most are around 45 min to an hour.

Each demonstration is 30 minutes in length.  In some settings two demonstrations can be done back to back.  We do not recommend doing more than two together.  If we are doing discovery days with multiple demonstrations, we often need time between differing demonstrations to tear down and set up.

How long does it take you to set up and tear down the zone or other activities?  Can we help?

We LOVE help, and it’s especially welcome at the end of the day.  Adult help is preferred, as many of our things are heavy or fragile.  Too many helpers can actually hinder vs help; 3-4 helpers are more than enough.

We typically try to arrive to set up an hour before single demonstrations.  Usually our educators do this on their own.
Working by themselves, two Edgerton educators can set up (or break down) the Zone in about 90 minutes. Please be mindful of your athletic teams and other extracurricular activities if you have us in a gym or on a stage.  We try to avoid taking anyone by surprise or working under time crunches.

Setting up for labs is usually rather quick, again we will likely show up about an hour before to do so.

Do any activities require help or supervision to operate? 
In our zone, students can work with many Zone exhibits on their own.  If kids are too young to read and follow instructions, having extra adult helpers on hand makes a huge difference.  A few exhibits need adult supervision, even with older kids. Consider stationing teachers, adult volunteers, etc. at these exhibits.

During Demonstrations the Mad Scientists will present as students watch and sometimes participate.  We do ask that you help audience members remember proper assembly protocol.

Lab activities definitely work best with a teacher, helper or two to help students as they work their way through the scientist led activities.

What do you bring for the Zone?
We bring all the exhibits, table coverings, and exhibit descriptions to go on top of the tables.

Is it the same stuff as last year?
Not necessarily!  We try to bring new and/or updated exhibits from year to year, as well as bringing back favorites.

Do you require lodging?  We are a really long ways away…
We leave Aurora no earlier than 6 am and return no later than 11 pm.  Depending on your requests, lodging may be necessary. This cost is additional and is not included in the EOTM price.

EOTM for a Fair or Festival

We love doing Fairs and Festivals!  For these special community celebrations, you will still be expected to supply 10-12 banquet tables, access to power, and a place to park/unload our fun into your space!  We will plan to set up 1.5-2 hours before your event, and typically take 1-1.5 hours to clean up.  Typically, our zone takes up a 40’ x 40’ space, though we can adjust this based on your needs.  Our outdoor zone exhibits may differ from our indoor exhibits.

For our BIG outdoor stuff, we may need volunteers to help us provide and oversee the science fun.  Ask us about these activities, if you are interested.


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